How do dentists correct uneven gum lines?
Similar to the unevenness in teeth alignment, the disparity in gum lines can also ruin your smile’s attractiveness.
Apart from sealing in the tooth roots and holding the teeth in their places, the gums are responsible for creating the frame for a beautiful smile. When the gum tissues sit higher on a tooth or extend excessively on a tooth, it makes the teeth appear in varying lengths. When this occurs, your attractive smile is affected since the teeth are not properly centered when you smile.
Are you embarrassed about having unaesthetic gum lines? Don’t worry. Your uneven smiles can be restored with ease thanks to various ever-evolving treatments. We explained them here. Keep reading.
What are the possible causes of uneven gum lines?
The crooked gum line is rooted in various things ranging from genes to poor dental habits. The most common causes of unevenness in gums include:
- Hereditary conditions
- Gum diseases
- Vigorous brushing
- Teeth clenching or grinding
- Mouth breathing
When you breathe through your mouth instead of your nose, the air that enters the mouth will dry the gum tissues and allows them to grow extensively.
Likewise, certain people develop nickel allergy after wearing metal braces for months. It has an impact on their gum health and is followed by an irregular gum line.
How do dentists treat unevenness in gum lines?
Beginning from analyzing gum health, dental doctors check if a patient has underlying dental issues. If yes, a treatment plan is made to rectify the infectious condition underneath before or while revamping the crooked gum line.
Depending on the root cause of uneven gum lines, existing conditions, and the extent of the crookedness in gums, dentists recommend the best course of treatment. The widely prescribed treatments to make the gum lines even are as follows:
1) Gum Grafting
Gum Grafting, commonly known as Gingival Grafting is a simple surgical procedure that is recommended to treat receding gums.
If a dentist detects the inconsistent gum line in a person is due to infections in gums (or gum diseases), gum grafting is prescribed to restore evenness in the patient’s gum line. It is because the infection may spread beneath the gum tissues hence that it pulls away the gums from teeth.
The procedure involves taking a piece of tissue from the neighboring healthy tissues in the gums or roof of the mouth and place in the regions where the gums wear down.
2) Gingivoplasty
Gingivoplasty, commonly known as Gum contouring (or) Gum recontouring involves reshaping the gums to make the gum line consistent. If you have gum tissues extended too far on the teeth, Gingivoplasty is the best way to overcome this problem (i.e.) make your gum line symmetrical.
It is suitable for people who have a few millimeters of excessive tissues in their gums. However, Gingivectomy is suggested for those who have to remove more gum tissues.
3) Gingivectomy
Gingivectomy, also known as gum lift surgery involves reshaping the gums by expelling the extra tissues. When the tissues in gums are extremely high, say above 4 millimeters, gum lift is the only way to correct the asymmetrical gum line. It is mostly done with a laser which implies its precision and faster recovery.
4) Dental Veneers
Gingival masks like dental veneers are recommended when dentists found the gums appear dilated due to the enlarged tooth size. Likewise, tissues in the treated gum regions will regrow on rare occasions. In such circumstances, dentists have to prepare the tooth’s crown portion as well as the gum region.
Hence dentists tend to affix a thin covering called “veneers” over the problematic tooth surfaces to conceal the imperfections.
Bottom line
Gum shape is one of the aspects determining how beautiful our smiles are. When the gum is too high or too low on one or a few teeth, then the gum line appears to have an irregular appearance.
Luckily, you have a variety of options to reshape the gums. In certain circumstances, orthodontic braces are also required to correct the gum line. The surgical procedures we mentioned here are minimally invasive and require minimal recovery time.
Do you want to change the way your gums look? Contact our dentists at +91-9600091767 or reach us here.