Cerebral Palsy is a neurological condition that affects a person’s ability to control his/her muscles. This in turn, causes difficulties...
The Corona Virus Pandemic has made us witness many unprecedented things. Apart from the constant rise of corona infection rates...
Kids and children are highly susceptible to cavities. Tooth decay occurs in toddlers or babies are commonly known as baby...
You might receive dental in-office cleanings with a device with which dentists scrap your teeth and irrigate a stream of...
It is important to maintain good dental hygiene routine in the right way. Mistakes are common but remember it harms....
You may think mouthwash kills all the bacteria in your mouth and keep your mouth healthy. Yes, it kills them...
Snoring is the hoarse or harsh sound that occurs when air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat, causing the...
Like it or not, a toothbrush plays a key role in the upkeep of your oral health. Most people choose...
The process of brushing your teeth suitably will lend a hand to keep away from conditions, for case in point,...