Black layer on the tongue looks scary but it is a harmless condition. The black color makes the tongue looks...
Sugar is the primary ingredient you should avoid at any cost. Because sugar does not has the minerals, vitamins s...
Do you have tiny white spots or discolored lines over the teeth surfaces? Apart from yellow stains and brown spots,...
Skin peeling, dryness and cracks in the lips are very disgusting. As the skin in our lips is very thin,...
Women undergo significant and unique hormone changes in each stage of their life. The hormonal changes in women of all...
Saliva Substitutes are defined as artificial saliva that moistens and lubricates the oral tissues when our mouth does not produce...
Some people have the habit of biting their inner cheeks frequently. Likewise, certain bite the inner sides of their cheeks...
Toothache is a common dental problem but the tooth pain developed when you are suffering from sinus infection is quite...
I am sure that you might have treated at least one tooth in your lifetime. Let me ask you a...