One of the most important organs of the body, the tongue is fundamental in helping us to eat, speak and...
Breathing through the mouth may seem like a normal and trivial thing but continued mouth breathing can cause severe oral...
Oil Pulling is a dental hygiene practice of rinsing mouth with oil for a few minutes to remove the bacteria...
“Insulin Is Not A Cure – It’S Life Support.” Diabetes is a disease that upsets the body’s ability to utilize...
Dental Filling is a common dental treatment that helps to restore the shape and strength of a decayed tooth. The...
Do you experience tingling pain in one of your teeth or entire teeth? It stimulates intense pain at times while...
Dry Socket is one of the most painful dental conditions but can be easily cured. It arises following a tooth...
Mouth ulcers appear on the gums, inside the cheeks, lips, floor of the mouth and tongue. They are small lesions...
Chipped, cracked or broken tooth is one of the common dental issues which may happen to everyone. Even though you...