Benefits of clove oil for teeth and gums
Clove is a natural ingredient that contains a multitude of medicinal and healing compounds to cure various oral problems. Eugenol, the main compound which gives the spice bud a pungent flavor is an excellent source of antiseptic & anti-inflammatory agents to kill bacteria. The healing power and organic compounds present in cloves have been proved by modern science also.
The oil extracted from cloves can contain 80-90 percentage Eugenol. This is why the clove oil is used as an important constituent in toothpaste, mouthwashes, etc.
Clove oil is a wonderful natural remedy to get relief from various dental dilemma. Here are some benefits of clove oil for your teeth and gums.
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How does clove oil cure wounds?
Clove oil is a germicide and contains antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties.
When the oil is applied over a wound, it creates a warming sensation for the injured tissues. Then it helps in inducing a protein known as trans receptor potential vanilloid-1 which takes acre of desensitizing the nerve endings in the skin around the wounded region. Thus clove oil helps in reducing pain and quickens the healing process.
Oral Health Benefits of Clove Oil
1) Alleviate tooth pain
Chewing some cloves with an aching tooth is the simple remedy to soothe tooth pain. Likewise, clove oil has also been in practice since ages to get relief from toothache. It is because the oil has the power to numb the throbbing nerves in a tooth.
Apply a drop of clove oil over the painful tooth with your finger. Then the pain will subside over time. If not, contact your Dentist.
2) Freshen our Mouth
In 200 AD, a Chinese Emperor used to chew cloves to freshen the breath of his courtiers. Researches have confirmed that Clove is powerful to treat bad breath. The antibacterial agents in clove oil aid in wiping out the bacteria and germs that induce a foul smell in the mouth.
- Mix clove oil and peppermint oil in a 1:1 ratio.
- Add ½ teaspoon of stevia extract powder to the mixture.
- Pour the solution in a spray bottle and spray it in your mouth 2-3 a day.
3) Cure Mouth ulcers
Canker Sores (or) Mouth ulcer is a common dental problem that produces a burning sensation in the injured regions. Clove oil brings relief from pain and discomforts arise with mouth ulcer.
- Take 1 tsp of clove oil
- Add it to 1 tumbler of lukewarm water and stir it well.
- Swish your mouth thoroughly with this solution twice a day.
This practice removes the microbes present in the open wounds and prevents further infection.
4) Treat infection in gums
Swelling in gums is a symptom of gum diseases like Gingivitis. The inflammation occurs because of the bacteria stick to the gums. Massage your gums with clove oil reduce the inflammation because of its anti-inflammatory properties. This is also applicable to reduce pain in gums.
Note: You should dilute clove oil by adding a few drops of olive oil or canola oil before applying it over the gums. It is because undiluted clove oil will irritate the gum tissues.
5) Reduce cavities
If you notice tooth decay in its initial stage, then reversing the decay is possible with clove oil.
Dip a cotton ball or cotton bud in clove oil and apply it on the decayed tooth before going to sleep. The antibacterial compounds present in the fluid kill the bacteria and prevent their progression. Repeat this for a few days. You will see a surprising result.
Bottom line
The organic compounds present in clove oil are same as the composites present in mouth cleaning liquids and pastes. To put it simply, clove oil is the perfect choice to reduce pain and fix infections in oral regions naturally.