Dental Veneers

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are custom made thin piece of tooth-colored bonding material which is fixed over the teeth surface to recreate the teeth’s actual took and fix various aesthetic problems. Veneers provide an artificial coating to the teeth and address various issues like enamel wear down, teeth discoloration, chipped teeth, irregularly shaped teeth, etc.

What are the different types of veneers?

Dental veneers vary depending on the type of material utilized to fabricate the appliance. Composite Veneers (made up of composite resin materials) and Porcelain Veneers are the highly preferred veneers.

Will the teeth veneers look counterfeit?

No. The dental veneers are manufactured with shade identical to the e neighboring teeth color. Hence it is hard to identify the teeth adhered with veneers.

Apart from the existing teeth shade, you can get various dental veneer shades like Ivoclar Bleach Shades, Ivoclar and Vita shades, etc.

Are the dental veneers susceptible to stain?

The teeth veneers are stain resistant. Unlike natural teeth, teeth coverings do not get stained easily. You can consume ice creams, beverages and other drinks without any reluctance or fear of discoloration.

What is the process involved in fixing veneers?

The process of getting veneers is completed in 2 dental visits. A small amount of the tooth’s surface needs to be removed. Typically, 0.5 to 1 mm thickness of enamel is reduced. Then an impression of the prepared tooth is taken with which a tooth-colored veneer is produced in a laboratory. The tailored tooth veneer is then bonded to the tooth with an adhesive material.

Is this process painful?

Fixing dental veneers is carried out under local anesthesia. Hence you will not encounter pain during the treatment. Little discomforts may occur while removing the tooth enamel for some patients. It is not a threatening issue. You don’t scare or worry about that.

When should I replace my dental veneer?

Both ceramic and porcelain veneers are not long lasting. The average durability of a veneer ranges from 5 to 10 years. The gum and teeth tissues around the veneers undergo changes over a period of time. Similarly, the bonding material becomes weaken and begins to leak. In such conditions, one should remove the existing veneer and replace it with a new one.

How should I look after my veneer?

The persistence of teeth veneers is directly proportional to your care on them. Veneers don’t need special care other than regular brushing and flossing to keep them clean.

Likewise, you should limit or avoid habits like biting hard substances with teeth, nail-biting, opening tootles with teeth, etc. Such actions which apply extensive pressure over the teeth will break or chip the veneer which cannot be repaired and push you to replace it immediately.

Does the veneer restrict my diet?

You can eat whatever you want after fixing dental veneers but you should maintain a diet with soft food items until you get a new bite position. Avoiding certain food items suggested by your dentist is mandatory because Overconsumption of chewy and hard eatables like chips will weaken the veneers quickly.

How much does the veneer fixing treatment cost?

The cost differs depending on the hospital, nature of your problem, the type of material and number of teeth the veneers are fixed.

Dr. D.Sendhil Nathan MDS, DNB

Prosthodontics And Implantology

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Sendhil dental clinic & Implant Centre

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