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  • What should you know about baby teeth?

    Dr. D.Sendhil Nathan

    Dr. D.Sendhil Nathan

    MDS, DNB (Prosthodontics And Implantology)

    October 28,2019

    Babies start teething around six months but sometimes as early as five months. At first, the front middle teeth will come. A set of molars and the canines will come followed by the second set of molars on the next month. A one year child typically has six baby teeth, four front teeth at the top and two front teeth at the bottom. When the child attains three years of age it should have all twenty baby teeth.

    You may have noticed that some children are born with teeth and this is called natal teeth or milk teeth. You no need to worry if your child doesn’t have teeth when he attains one year of age. It is recommended to visit the dentist as soon as the first tooth comes in around six months of age.

    Symptoms if the baby is teething

    • Red and flushed cheeks.
    • Nappy rash due to excessive drooling.
    • Soreness in skin folds of baby’s neck.
    • Chewing their fists and toys more than usual to relieve the pressure they feel on their gums.
    • Sore and tender gums.
    • Disturbed sleep due to swelling and soreness.
    • Refusing to eat and drink because their mouth hurts.
    • More sucking to relieve pressure on the gums.
    • Mild increase in body temperature.
    • Pulling ears to relieve the pain

    When brushing teeth is good for a child?

    Your child is ready to brush as soon as teeth come in. A soft-bristled brush and fluoridated toothpaste are recommended.

     Is it necessary to floss baby’s teeth?

    It is not necessary to floss baby’s teeth and it is not compulsory to start good oral hygiene too early. If the teeth of the baby touch each other they can be flossed. However, there will be a big space in between the teeth is enough for bristles to fit into, hence brushing is enough.

    What is a good age for the child to brush on their own?

    A child of six to eight years old should be able to brush their own teeth. Maybe you feel your child is getting freedom, but they won’t brush thoroughly by themselves. It is suggested to have the child to start the process finished by mom or dad. Even you feel they are old enough, it is a good idea to monitor.

    Caring your baby’s teeth

    • Clean your baby’s mouth for a few days after birth by cleaning the gums with a clean washcloth or moist gauze pad. For the children, less than three years should start brushing as soon as their teeth come in. They should use fluoride toothpaste on a little amount and brush well twice per day. Monitor your children, whether they are using the proper amount of toothpaste.
    • A pea-sized content of fluoride toothpaste is recommended for children of three to six years of age. Monitor your children and advise them not to eat toothpaste.
    • Monitor them until you are satisfied that your children can brush by their own. If their two teeth touch each other flossing can be done.
    • Take your baby to dental when one year of age is completed.
    • Do not let baby sleep with a bottle in the mouth.
    • Always give cooled boiled water until one year old
    • Do not add sugar to the baby’s food and always use sugar-free products.

    Do you know when the baby teeth naturally fall out?

    Rather than any traumatic accidents, baby teeth start falling out at the age of around six. If the child attains nine years of age, they should have twelve permanent teeth.


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