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  • Postcare Tips following Root Canal Treatment

    Dr. D.Sendhil Nathan

    Dr. D.Sendhil Nathan

    MDS, DNB (Prosthodontics And Implantology)

    June 11,2018

    After removing the infected tissues in the pulp with Root Canal Therapy, it is not uncommon to experience some discomforts like soreness and tenderness in your mouth.

    You may ask, “The tooth nerves are removed then how is it still hurting?”

    Until the treated area and the surrounding area that contains tissues, nerves and ligaments heal and restore their normal functioning, it will cause some pain that lasts for few days or weeks. It may range from mild to severe varying for each person. Don’t scare about it.

    Common factors that induce pain after root canal include:

    • There may be a damage in tissue caused by Instruments used during the root canal. The instrumentation may push the fluids beyond the root of the tooth.
    • The tissues around the treated tooth get inflamed. It also induces pain in the region.
    • You have extracted the nerve of an infected tooth but the nerve endings in the ligaments are still present. Ligaments which surround the treated tooth get swollen after root canal procedure. It is also a reason behind the pain.

    Sometimes, the tissue around the treated tooth gets irritated if the sealant material used in the tooth was pushed out of the tooth end. It causes tenderness.

    Rare are the cases, the sealer is not properly placed and dry socket as a result of the root canal. It causes intense and unbearable pain. If you encounter such severe pain after RCT, visit your dentist.

    Tips to get relief from the pain after Root canal

    You need to take the antibiotics and medications prescribed by your Endodontist after few days in order to fasten the healing process.

    Similarly, you have to undergo some modifications in your daily routine until the healing process completes. It will help you to get relief from the pain.

    • In certain cases, you experience teeth sensitivity for few days after root canal treatment.

      It occurs when the sealer material irritates the tissues around the tooth. Rinse out your mouth frequently with Warm salt-water for few days.

    • Take a soft diet for 2 days and avoid food items that are excessively hot or cold.
    • If you have the habit of teeth grinding during sleep, use night guard to protect your teeth because teeth grinding trigger more pain in the root canal treated region.
    • Keep your head in an elevated position while sleeping for few days following the root canal treatment.
    • Keep the treated region clean by brushing and flossing.
    • As the treated tooth is still weak for few days following the treatment, you should not chew with the tooth. Then it may crack or cause fracture on the treated tooth. Hence we advise you to chew on opposite side of the root canal treated tooth region.
    • Put an ice pack or frozen vegetables on the treated side. This will help you to minimize swelling which causes intense pain.
    • Avoid tobacco, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages for first 24 hours after treatment because they are effective to delay the healing process.

    Sometimes, the endodontic treatment is completed by sealing the tooth with a temporary dental crown until the permanent crown gets ready.

    You need to get the permanent crown without any delay because temporary crowns are not durable. They provide a way to bacterial infections which end in the tooth fracture.

    Remember that a toothache, soreness and tenderness followed by Endodontic Treatment does not indicate the failure of the treatment but it is a sign to show the treated area is healing.

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