Sendhil Dental’s Express dentistry treatments – Fastracking replacement for NRIs
A 52-year-old man from Singapore sought our help to get rid of his aching sensation and looseness in his lower front teeth a few months ago. He scheduled his appointment with our clinic and landed in India. Then he visited our Sendhil Dental Clinic on the planned date.
He revealed that he was noticing looseness in some of his lower front teeth due to which he had excruciating pain while eating, chewing, and even touching. He asked us to do whatever was required to save his teeth and eliminate the pain.
The consultation is followed by a clinical assessment and taking X-rays. We found severe bone loss around 4 of his lower front teeth hence those teeth tend to detach from the gums. The patient had encountered tooth mobility due to this reason.
As the jaw bone has become very weak, the patient could not get tightening loose teeth with solutions like dental splinting. Hence our team planned to remove loose teeth and replace them with implants. We explained the then present clinical condition to the patient and the advantages of fixing implant teeth rather than dentures, dental bridges.
The patient was satisfied with our explanation and agreed to the prescribed course of action.
On the same day, we began treatment with preoperative assessment and implant planning. Digital impressions of the patient’s mouth were made and sent it to our clinic’s laboratory. It was a 3D replica of the soft & hard tissues inside the mouth through which the size, shape, and color of the problematic teeth were observed.

Then our dental technicians started to prepare a temporary prosthesis (dental crowns) using the info obtained with computed generated impression. Meanwhile, our implant doctors made the oral implant placement planning using CBCT scan.

As the patient was from abroad, we had time constraints so we preferred immediate loading implants. Hence we used advanced Straumann BLX implants that are well-known known for their longevity and ability of immediate protcols in all bone types. Unlike regular implants, the immediate loading implants allow mounting the prosthesis within 48 hours of inserting the implants.
On his second visit to our clinic, we removed the loose teeth in his lower jaw. Later, the implant posts were placed and the custom-made dental crowns were mounted as per the computer-aided planning on the same day.
After dental implantation, the tailor-made crowns were mounted through which the removed teeth were revived successfully.
We monitored the patient for a few days after the implant surgery. He had no issues at the implant site except the common post-operative complications. We did a clinical evaluation of the implant teeth to make sure the patient would not encounter any problems with the fixed implants. He also added that he felt comfortable with the new teeth we provided.
While leaving our clinic, the patient said that he felt very happy for choosing our team to treat his loose, aching teeth. He thanked our team for bringing back his smile. He recovered completely within a week and flew back to his place.