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  • Sinus tooth pain – Causes, Symptoms and Pain relief

    Dr. D.Sendhil Nathan

    Dr. D.Sendhil Nathan

    MDS, DNB (Prosthodontics And Implantology)

    January 06,2020

    Toothache is a common dental problem but the tooth pain developed when you are suffering from sinus infection is quite abnormal. Untreated sinus problems will be troublesome for your dental health as well as your nasal cavity.

    When the tissue lining in the sinus of nasal passage becomes inflamed, it causes Sinusitis. It is the main source of sinus toothache and induces frequent pain in the upper rear teeth.

    How does sinus infection cause pain in the teeth?

    Sinus is the air-filled cavity present in our skill. There are four pairs of sinuses present in our face. The sinus cavities are located in the forehead, near the cheekbones just behind the nose and around the eyes.


    The main function of the sinus is to filter and hydrate the air we breathe. It is also responsible for producing mucus to clean the nasal passage.

    In certain cases, the fluid substance (mucus) gets congested in the sinus region. This is followed by an accumulation of bacteria and germs that lead to sinus infection. Later, the tissues around the sinus region swell and cause sinusitis which was stated in the beginning.

    The root of our upper teeth and jaw bone are located close to the sinus. Blockage in the sinus region stimulates pressure which exerts on the bone around the region and radiates pain in the upper teeth.

    How can you identify the sinus toothache?

    Tooth pain and sinus tooth pain are quite different.

    You can encounter aching pain that lingers around one tooth if it occurs due to dental infections. In contrast, you will have pain in more than one tooth in a row in case of sinus tooth pain.

    Unlike dental infections, sinus tooth pain is a dull ache and it arises when you indulge in physical activities as well. Meanwhile, the sufferer will have a sensitive feeling in the face, jaw and nasal area.

    What are the possible home remedies to get relief from sinus tooth pain?

    The home care actions required for sinus infection will also help you to lessen the tooth pain associated with it. Some effective activities to alleviate this pain and sinus congestion include:

    1) Drink more water


    Keeping yourself hydrated is an essential thing for your health well-being. Dentists also recommend everyone to drink plenty of water. It aids in thinning the mucus accumulated in the sinus cavity. This makes the mucus come out from the nasal passage easily and reduce sinus problems.

    2) Take hot drinks

    Hot Drinks for Sinus Tootache

    Consuming hot water is the main thing to get rid of sinus infection. You can also take drinks like tea, coffee and others for a cure. If you concern your dental health as well as get relief from a sinus infection, then prefer these drinks:

    3) Steam Inhalation

    We hope that you might do this at least a few times in your life.

    Steam Inhalation

    Pour hot water in a large vessel. Cover your head and the vessel with a huge cloth. Now inhale the hot fluid. It helps to extract the mucus in the sinus to open the nasal passage.

    Meanwhile, you can maintain the toothache relief remedies like saltwater rinse, applying peppermint tea bags and heat pad, gargling with clove oil.

    Note: Don’t indulge in cold compress as it may worsen the sinus problem. If you can withstand the pain in teeth while chewing, then chew garlic, onion and cloves for lessening the pain.

    Bottom line

    Apart from thick mucus, sore throat and other abnormalities, sinus infection can be diagnosed with unidentified pain in the teeth. If the condition is left untreated, it will become worse and produce serious dental problems include mouth breathing, bad breath, weakening the teeth, etc.

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