The link between diabetes and gum disease
Gum disease is a bacterial infection in gum tissues around the teeth. The infection in gums resulted from the microbes present in the sticky deposits on the teeth called “plaque” over the gum margins. The gum infection in its advanced stage (Periodontitis) can destruct the bone underneath the teeth and lead to tooth loss.
People with uncontrolled blood sugar (Diabetes) have high chances of developing gum or periodontal diseases. To put it simply, gum disease is also a side effect of diabetes behind heart, eye and kidney diseases.
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What is the link between gum disease and diabetes?
Diabetic patients have high chances of suffering from gum diseases compared to those who do not have diabetes. It happens because the increased glucose in the blood leads to more sugar in saliva. The frequent exposure of sugar to teeth and oral tissues leads to various dental complications including gum diseases.
Moreover, people with diabetes have a greater inflammatory response to bacteria due to the increased sugar in the blood. This makes them encounter problems like gum swelling which is a common symptom of gum diseases.
On the other hand, people with controlled blood sugar can also develop Type 2 Diabetes if they have gum diseases. The germs, bacteria and other harmful microbes in the infected gums enter the bloodstream through activities like chewing. This is followed by weakening our immune system and cause various deteriorating effects like cardiac diseases, kidney problems, diabetes, etc.
Can gum disease treatment fix diabetes?
Yes. gum disease treatments like dental cleaning reduce the existence of bacteria. This in turn, helps the patients to prevent developing harmful molecules responsible for various diseases including diabetes. Thus gum disease treatments help a sufferer to keep the blood sugar in control.
Apart from in-office dental treatments, you also should take care of defending your mouth with proper oral care.
Tips for diabetics to prevent gum diseases
Here are the common oral care tips suggested by Dentists:
- Brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day
- Make sure your toothbrush has reached all the nook and corners of your mouth
- Clean your tongue with appliances like a tongue scraper
- Don’t drink acidic liquids like soda, citric fruit juices. It is because the acidic components in such fluids are powerful to wear away the enamel. This leads to plaque build-up that is followed by gum diseases.
- Take dairy products like milk, butter, cheese and others.
- Make bi-annual dental visits and get dental cleaning treatments at times to make your mouth free from oral bacteria.
Bottom line
Diabetes and gum diseases make each other more difficult to control. Hence diabetic patients should indulge in actions like maintaining a healthy diet, doing a lot of physical exercises and others to keep the blood sugar in control. It will help you to avert gum diseases and other complications.
Meanwhile, consult your dentist at regular intervals and get oral cleanings. This helps you to prevent the progression of both diabetes and periodontal diseases.