
No:20 AB,Kanishk complex, VG Panner Nagar,
Mogappair, Chennai - 600037.

  • What are the dental problems caused by Diabetes?

    Dr. D.Sendhil Nathan

    Dr. D.Sendhil Nathan

    MDS, DNB (Prosthodontics And Implantology)

    November 26,2018

    “Insulin Is Not A Cure – It’S Life Support.”

    Diabetes is a disease that upsets the body’s ability to utilize insulin produced by the pancreas. The insulin hormone takes care of converting the sugar, glucose consumed through food into energy and helps the body cells to get the glucose. If the insulin does not work properly or lack in the hormone production, it will result in the glucose remains in the blood and ends in high levels of blood sugar.

    It is a serious disease which is powerful to put the health at risk by causing diseases like kidney failure, heart attack, blindness and much more. Your dental health is not an exception in this.

    Increase sugar levels in the blood trouble the oral health as well as your overall health. The common oral complications induced by diabetes are explained in this post.

    1) Gum Disease

    Gum disease is a common dental disease with which many people are affected. People with diabetes are highly vulnerable to periodontal diseases. Gum diseases are caused by the oral bacteria that are responsible for cavities.

    Sugar present in saliva combines with the food particles and deposited on the borders of the gum margins. It ends up in plaque and calculus build up.

    Bacteria present in the plaque penetrate the gum tissues and cause diseases like Gingivitis. If it is left untreated, it will deteriorate the underlying tooth bone and lead to tooth loss.

    2) Dry mouth

    Diabetic persons, especially who are above 50 are highly prone to Xerostomia (Dry mouth). It is a condition which reduces the level of salivary production.

    When there is a low level of salivary flow in your mouth, it makes the oral bacteria to breed. Similarly, the level of acidity in your mouth cannot be neutralized. Mouth soreness, Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS), mouth ulcers and other troubles are caused due to dry mouth.

    3) Tooth Decay

    You know that sugar is adverse to our dental health. Diabetic patients have an excess of sugar in their saliva. Oral bacteria turn the sugar and glucose present in saliva into tooth-damaging acids. The lack of salivary production adds value to the bacterial infection on the teeth and lead to dental cavities.

    4) Bad Breath

    As there is a trouble in insulin production for diabetic persons, their body cells cannot get enough glucose or energy. This in turn, affects their blood vessels. It obstructs the blood flow to other inner organs.

    When gum tissues do not get sufficient blood flow, they cannot fight against bacteria. The bacterial invasion on gums produces a nasty smell from the mouth. Likewise, the body of diabetic patients needs to burn more fat for energy as their body does not get enough glucose.

    The breakdown of such fatty particles produces an acidic substance called “Ketone”. It is also a reason behind bad breath.

    5) Fungal infection

    Candida Albicans is the fungi present inside our mouth. Similar to bacteria in the mouth, the fungus also breeds with the low level of salivary flow and excess of sugar in saliva. It produces a serious infection called candidiasis (oral thrush) in the mouth.

    It is identified with the red and white spots on the cheeks, tongue and other areas of the mouth. It can be controlled by taking antifungal medications.


    When your pancreas feels lazy to release insulin, you will encounter the above oral discomforts. It is difficult to avoid such dental health risks caused by diabetes but controlling their effects by maintaining an efficient oral hygiene routine, avoiding soft drinks and other carbonated food products.

    For more details, visit our dental clinic in mogappair.

    Dr. D.Sendhil Nathan MDS, DNB

    Dr. D.Sendhil Nathan MDS, DNB


    Prosthodontics And Implantology

    View Profile
    Sendhil dental clinic & Implant Centre

    No:20 AB,Kanishk complex, VG Panner Nagar, Mogappair Chennai

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